Today we talked of death.
Those far,
those near.
In my life I've been to a few funerals, who hasn't?
Family, and one family friend.
Billy Griggs.
At all of the funerals of family members I've been to, I've never felt much remorse.
I either was too young to grasp the whole concept of death,
Or I truely wasn't close.
The funeral of Billy Griggs was the most touching funeral to me.
Albeit, I was never that close to him, considering he was my cousin's boyfriend,
I got to know him.
Right there,
As he lay in his casket.
I heard all the music he listened to, and relaized we had a connection.
Jack's Mannequin.
It was eeire,
Here was this man, I never really knew,
But now, I knew him.
I looked back on when I danced with him at a wedding,
And I just cried.
Not for me,
For everyone else.
I realized how great this loss was.
And I finally cried.
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